I obliged and got him some paper, a pen, and tape. To help him out further, I wrote down the words on a piece of paper so that he could copy them on the sign. Here is my helpful note:

Here is his sign:

I sometimes try to look back at my childhood and figure out where things went wrong. Greg will only have to check the internet.
{Author’s Note: I highly suggest reading the comments below.}
Wow, what a dick. You're son just wanted to get away from you being a terrible father for one day, and now you've made him look like a complete idiot. Someday you'll show him this post and laugh. You'll laugh, but your son will then remember why he always used to think you were a retarded dick- because you were. How low can you go, you sick fuck.
Welcome to the internet.
haha, anon, you're hilarious.
funny post too
Why not just let the poor kid make two DIFFERENT signs? One that actually says what it should, and the other (already shown) for door decoration?
I hate parental deception.
Geez some people are getting all over this guy! He's just having a little fun with childhood innocence! If that happened to me, I'd probably just laugh and think of it as proof my dad has a good sense of humor... Hopefully, I'm just unobservant and these comments are all sarcastic...
I don't know if you are small and manipulative, but you sure come off that way in this. I wouldn't trust you. Makes me wonder why he wants you out of his room. Parenting is hard work and you're probably just venting, but your kid's innocence and trust isn't for your amusement. If I did this, I wouldn't brag about it.
Somehow I doubt that this kid will be scarred down the road because his daddy made a different sign than he wanted.
This isn't child abuse.
wow, some people are getting way too upset about this. it's a harmless prank, one that will not scar the child or cause any sort of other damage. seriously, what happened to us all of a sudden? since when did people start to cause an uproar over something as simple as this?
whatever. i think it's great. if i was that kid, i'd look back on it and have a good laugh. or roll my eyes.
Way to overreact people. This is just a joke. A pretty funny one too.
Where I come from, anon doesn't get butthurt over stuff like this.
I think a kid has a right to be pissed, but he has to be self reliant enough to supply his pissed-off-ed-ness.
Wow. You people remind me of the crazy fucking Muslims, raging over the most stupid things imaginable.
My guess is the flamers are not fathers.
My guess is the flamers are overcompensating for small dicks and for the fact that they couldn't have kids unless they donated to a sperm bank because the total lack of ass they get. Half you Anon's let me down this time *sigh*
He's five and doesn't know how to read at all?
jeeze! XD anon can't you understand a joke? of course kids get pissed off. they get pissed because you spank them. They get pissed off for other stupid reasons too. I think this is hillarious. and by the way, I'm 16.
Gotta make up for all the negative anonymous comments. This is great!
when I have kids i'm doing the same thing, and hopefully my kid will learn to have a sense of humour.
Not like the rest of these "people" ;P
oh you guys are pussies, its funny, kids get mad at parents, don't complain about bad parenthood, it's teasing, have some humor!
I lol'd... and to all the douche bags gets so riled up over this; chill the fuck out, it's just a joke ~.~)
I think it's funny...
I was completely tricked all the time when I was a kid by my father and I still think this was funny... previous nasty anons are full of shit
instead, I get back at my dad with pranks and other dickery
He played a silly joke (which is FABULOUS, by the way!), but he's not beating his son or making him write expletives or hateful things. He is, in fact, taking a more positive approach rather than punishing his son.
Sounds like the sort of thing my dad would do. I'd just laugh when i looked back at this. Harmless fun
its not even that big of a deal.. whos the bitch calling you a sick fuck. its not that bad.. its kinda funny. he probably hated him over sometihng stupid like he hate the fucking cheerios. good job dad. you are awesome. someday your kid will look back on this and be like: dad, your fuckin awesome.
I am not a father and I find this hilarious.
It's a little extreme to berate this guy for playing a joke. There is more than one way of parenting and I'm sure he knows what will help his child the most. In my case, not having one ounce of a sense of humor, I would probably have told my children that it's disrespectful to make a sign telling me to stay out.
Brilliant! :)
aww its only harmless fun :)
Really cute idea, I would have loved having a dad with such a great sense of humor.
Parenting at its best.
In my opinion, this is simply intended to be a humorous exploitation of his son's innocence, and this funny B#astard of a blogger will (hopefully) redeem himself and teach his son skepticism at the same time.
This is hilarious and awesome. I think people are WAY too sensitive about how OTHERS raise their children these days. In short, this is some very cute fun that will no doubt get even cuter as the young one gets older.
I don't know which is cuter, the fact that this actually happened, or the fact the child put a backwards 'S' in "Awesome".
Wow...you people have some serious issues with your parents. I think it's cute, and I advise the rest of you to seek counseling
Your son is 5 years old and couldn't write "stay out daddy" on his own? Not only do I feel bad for your child as it is obvious that he is lacking in educational development, but that his inane father doesn't help the situation any. My child is 6 and can spell Antidisestablishmentarianism. (It took a $20 bribe to get him to learn it, but still)...
You fail at parenting, you fail at life and way to make your kid look like the jackass you are. Please, go have your genitals removed promptly.
Man Juan you're such a dick....blah blah blah blah. No harm was done here. I never realized that there were so many whiny bitches responding to your blog posts. Its 3 words on a piece of paper......grow up people. Learn how to handle the internet before you use it.
that wall next to the door is a wonderful shade of yellow, and it goes very well with the door and rug.
this is funny, but what might be even funnier is that there were 2 people who criticize the fathers actions and about 30 who don't, and about 25 of those 30 were complaining that everyone was complaining...interesting effects of first post power.
Then there's that one random guy posting about the wall...
yep, 100% photoshoped
you can tell by the shadows on the door
At least he's got a dad at home to go too!
To everyone who is harshing on this man and his sense of humor: Get a kid. Harmless fun is the stuff that keeps families together. Also, The irony that this kid is asking his dad for help making a sign that bars the dad's entrance seems lost on some people. @poster: Good idea, funny post. I liked it
Holy cow your blog's become popular. All these comments over a little child deception? I say the more you can manipulate your kids for your own amusement, the better.
*giggles* I wish you were my dad! Instead, I got a jerk who bribed me to not only learn to spell antidisestablishmentarianism but to slip it into everyday conversation :(. You however are awesome, and your son is adorable.
Good god... Everybody knows kids don't like their parents intruding, doesn't make this guy a bad parent. It just means the kid is healthy and likes his own space, just like most other boys hs age.
Get over yourselves, my mum always used to 'decieve' me, and say silly things, but always told me the truth after a while (or immediately after if I seemed scared by it). The kid'll realise when he learns to read. XD
I think this is hilarious. xD Nice job! I'm sure when you show it to him, he'll think it's funny too. XD
person below me... you are a retard. the kid probably won't care later on in life. it called a fucking joke you fag! i hope you kill yourself
LMAO!!! Man, that's hilarious! I can hardly wait for my son to get ticked at me so I can do the same thing. Thanks for the great idea!
P.S.- For everyone else who bitched about "parental deception" and so on, get off your high horse. What do you think you're doing when you tell your kids Santa is real, or the Easter Bunny? I personally would laugh my butt off if my Dad had ever done that when I was a kid... get a sense of humour already, unless you want your kids to grow up with a stick up their ass.
Next, you need to teach you child colors the same way I taught mine: get him to sort dirty laundry. One pile for white, one for black, one for red and so on...
...that way when you ask him to fetch you the "soda" in the green bottle, you know it's actually going to be a beer.
Worked like a charm for me.
You're telling small children that alcohol is "soda"? I don't see any way that could backfire.
ur child does ur laundry and fetches beers 4 u? ur even more of a sadistic asshole than the father that posted this
I guess you wouldn't approve of candy cigarettes either?
this is about as bad as telling him the piece of fish stick is a train going into a tunnel.
Some people have no sense of humor...
As a dad, I'm going to side with HJ; that is funny. And sometimes, as a parent, you need to have a laugh. I have a blast with my daughter; as a parent you know when to push and when not to, even if your kid doesn't quite know what's right. It let's you chuckle, and the kid's happy. All you naysayers can piss off until you have your own children, who, just like your mother and mine wished upon us, will be as bad as we were when we were kids.
it interesting how many people hate you for this.
i think what you did is awesome. you awesome dad, you.
dad is awesome.
50+ comments? Wow!
Who knew a little parental deception would drive such a response? You did!
Nicely played.
I don't really see what the problem is. He suggested he is honoring his kid's space, but did it in such a way that was humorous to him. Parents deserve to have fun, too. Besides teaching a child that grown ups are not always truthful/correct could be beneficial.
All of you scolding this guy are CLEARLY not ready to be fathers......that's of course assuming any of you have had sex.....and.....well......let's not get carried away here....
Way to have fun with your kids dad, apparently alot of people who don't know shit think you suck.....
I don't.
And fuck the rest of you.
It's almost worth having children so I can try the laundry sorting/beer fetching training technique.
But I would need them to be toilet trained as soon as possible -- parents, how effective is the rubbing-their-face-in-it technique?
Oh, for god's sake -- I cannot believe the stupidity here.
"You bad person -- your son will think you were a retarded dick!"
"He'll never trust anyone and will be scarred for life!"
"He should kill you and fuck his mom because of this!"
Get a grip people.
The hysterical people who think you're a dick just bug the hell out of me, and the pedants who get all serious and say things like "He suggested he is honoring his kid's space, but did it in such a way that was humorous to him." have been watching too much Doctor Phil. I agree with Brian (who wrote that), I just wish he hadn't said it in such a stuffy way. Of course not everyone is a great writer like me.
Basically, I have to agree with Knocksious. This is great. You spent five minutes helping your kid make a sign. I think most dads today (and I include myself here) would say, "Get the fuck out of my office! I own this house you little shit and if you think I should stay out of your room, then you can start paying some goddamn rent! And quit your damn crying or I'll give you something to cry about."
"Deceiving your kid." Jumping jesus on a pogo stick. If your kid can't figure out that this was an act of love, I'll be surprised. They're smarter than most people here think. This is the kind of shit good families do. They kid each other, they tease each other. The spend time with each other.
I won't insult all of you tight-assed folks by comparing the size of your penis to that of a plague-carrying-mosquito, but I will bet some of you aren't fathers/mothers. I know that when my girls were little and asked me to do stuff like this, I hope that at least once in a while my response was as creative.
I spent 5-6 years doing the stay-at-home dad thing, and it was a tough, unglamorous, and demanding job. Now I think back to that last summer at home and can only remember that I spent a lot of time telling them I was busy working on my masters or looking for a job and they needed to entertain themselves. I'll never get that chance again. Soon they'll hit puberty and I'll be lucky if they bother yelling, "I hate you!" before they slam the bedroom door in my face.
Think about that, gentle, anonymous, readers.
*sigh* why is there always someone stating that everything is photoshopped? even if it is, who cares. also, 5 years old, that's first grade. writing out complete sentences is pretty tough at that age. also, i wish you were my dad, i woulda spent less time crying to myself.
I cannot wait to do stuff like this to my kids. Too funny
You, sir, are disgusting. Forget all the abusive dads, or the drug addicts / alcoholics, you deceived your child in a playful manner! You sick distorted bastard!
(; awesome.
Is that blood on your note...what the fuck did you do to your son!?!?
These comments are hilarious... people really need to lighten up a bit.
Haha I think you're all a bunch of dorks. My parents did stuff like this to me ALL the time and I look back and laugh at it all. I remember once my mom had me believing my "real" parents were coming to get me, and while she had me pack she even huffed it down the apartment stairs to ring the bell and run back up to say they're here! I laughed so hard when she tells me the story now.
If anything, that kid is going to say his dad is awesome.
And so what if the kid can't spell?
I didn't either at that age, my parents took it slow with me and I graduated with honors. You're all a bunch of dunce folks if you think he's doing some horrible act. Worry about the next child molester, not a dad lightening up an intense moment with his son.
64 comments (mine included)!
I'd do the same to my kid in future. Teehee =D
All I can say is WOW... a whole bunch of people mad a guy for teasing his son... which one of them has ever dealt with a child and not twisted the truth in some way? heck... who here has not ever in their entire life told a lie... sheesh...
The post was adorable enough.. but the comments are downright hilarious. This made my day ;)
Good god, what the hell's wrong w/ you people? Being just a little over dramatic don't ya think?? I mean come on it's not even close to abuse or anything it's just FUNNY! Lighten up!
I used to tease my son with stuff like that from the moment he was born. He's 18 now, has a great sense of humor, and no one, I mean no one, can put anything over on him anymore. He's got a very keenly developed bullshit detector. I'm sure all the namby-pamby types that get upset over stuff like this (like some of the above), have never even given a thought as to how valuable a skill that is in today's world where virtually everything and everyone you encounter is 90% bullshit.
Oh come on guys! Mr. Chandler the internet fiend finds this funny, and might try something like this himself! Perfectly harmless! 5 Stars, mate!
how can anyone think this is a serious issue,
or an issue at all,
i think its awsome and to the people who see something wrong..
smells like daddy-issues
You are retarded (guy Below me) This is def something they can laugh about later in life i hope you were beaten as a child for being so fucking dumb
Obviously most of you have forgotten what it was like being a kid. Do any of you remember getting angry at your parents for stupid reasons? Or wanting to run away from home? Once again, for stupid reasons. Most likely your parent keeping you from doing something for your own good.
Ya'll need to relax, srsly. I think this is awesome.
trollin in mah six-fo
I can tell that the people jumping all over this guy haven't had kids.
wow.. I am going to give into the hype an comment on this...
I can't believe this made it to stumbleupon.. screw you comment people... screw you up.. the..well. you know it all to well..
dad.. nice job.. ;)
When I saw this, the first thing I thought of is how much this reminds me of my family. Jokes like this occur every day in my house. Harmless fun! He will laugh so hard when you show him this later on in life.
Hah, wow. After reading most of the comments on here all I have to say is I'm glad I'm not an uptight prick like the majority of the internet. Most of you really have nothing better to do than to bash everything you can find, huh? This clearly is a cute harmless joke. There is no way this could ever come back and cause any trouble for this child, there is nothing wrong with the father either, in fact having fun like this is what people SHOULD DO MORE OFTEN! If you dicks want to live your lives being pissed off at every little thing then well, I'm sorry you have to live that sort of life...
Gawd, I wish some of these people would get a sense of humor. That your son felt comfortable enough to ban you from his room speaks volumes to your open relationship with him.
When my oldest daughter was 8 she saw a postcard that a friend had sent from Dollywood pretending to be Dolly Parton. When she asked about it I said I knew Dolly and Tom Hanks (Forrest Gump was popular) and the guy in the Barney suit (I do a great Barney voice). She went to school the next day and told all her friends. When I told her the a few days later she laughed and hit me. I guess I suck too.
"I don't know if you are small and manipulative, but you sure come off that way in this. I wouldn't trust you. Makes me wonder why he wants you out of his room. Parenting is hard work and you're probably just venting, but your kid's innocence and trust isn't for your amusement. If I did this, I wouldn't brag about it."
This is amazing. A father with a sense of humor is automatically turned into a child abusing jackass? i mean seriously! my parents did worse things than this and i look back at them and laugh! (of course nothing to harm me in any way, just good ol' fun) you ma'am are too uptight and need to get a massage, some therapy possibly even get some freaking meds but for real lady, realax! and dont ever have kids! they will be more miserable than a woman going through menopause and arthritis!
My Dad use to write stuff on my head and make me go find my mom so she could do what he had written.
I can't believe all the rude comments this is getting. I came across your post via StumbleUpon and it completely reminds me of something my dad would have done.. or probably did do. And the thing about all that is, I'm 100% grateful that I have parents with a sense of humor like that because they have taught me not to take life too seriously at all. Plus it makes introducing the men I date to them all the more fun.
Kudos on being a *good dad*, I'm sorry to all the children of all the tightwad assholes who left mean comments on here because THOSE kids are the ones who are going to be fucked up when they're older.
I'll end this conversation:
1. Liberals- shut the hell up it was funny
2. Dad- good job, your kid will be able to talk to you when he grows up bc you have a sense of humor and he will enjoy hanging out with you also. ps. he probably wont turn out gay
To the guy above me.
Fuck you. I'm liberal. I thought it was funny as hell. How the fuck does politics work into something like this being funny or not?
Secondly. Keep the rest of your closed minded, hate mongering bullshit to yourself. "ps. he probably won't turn out gay". Go ahead, I'll finish that for you "Because gays are evil". Narrow minded motherfucker. YOU! You're what's wrong with this country.
Now we're getting somewhere!
Now if all you idiotic dickweeds and self-righteous assholes would get off the internet, we could have some fun.
Of course that would leave me and about 3 other guys out here on the web.
And just in case you really can't believe people are this uptight and lacking in a sense of humor, check this set of comments out: Georgia.
And just to add flame to the flamers -- the real people who have fucked up this country are those goddamn terrorists, the Havarti Quesadilla Liberation Army, led by Knud Gonzalez (he is a river to his people).
Oh yeah, and all the goddamn fundamentalist morons that think every word in the bible is true. I got a newsflash for you people -- Evolution may be a theory, but so is gravity.
I think this is awesome. I would definitely do this if I had the chance.
Everyone else needs to grow a pear.
you dad, are awesome! Im 17, and find this hilarious, can't believe people are getting so worked up about it! It's nice to see a bit of humour put into a child and parent relashionship, your son's going to grow up with a great sense of humour!
Hahaha this is so funny! It's the kind of thing my dad would do!
Can't beleive people are getting worked up over this when there are much worse parents in the world, you know that kind that do real damage... idiots...
Isn't it amazing...all the different people that make the world go round?...My daughters put notes on their door with things like "knock before you enter"..or "you must say the password to enter"...and their daddy goes and makes a goofy note like.."two goofy girls are picking their nose in here...stay out!"...and such and when they finally realize what it says they just laugh and say"dad"!!!....being a parent can be so much fun...there never a dull moment..."live it up"!!!!!
You are an evil, sick, sick person. How could you do such a thing? It's people like you that are turning the world into the mess we are today and killing people and all that. How would you feel if one day you asked your child for a book, and he whacked your head with a chainsaw, ripping your body to pieces, dismembering and scattering your pitiful existence across your front lawn? Wouldn't like that huh tough guy? Pick on someone your own size!!!
All anons are rettardded.
If my toes were made of broccoli, you cannot package raisins in a giant cake mold.
This is worse than giving your son a nuclear bomb. Think of how he would feel! Once he finds out, he will swear an eternity of revenge, and then you'd be in trouble. When he is old enough, you had better watch out in your sleep, lest he stuff live weasels down your pants. And that's not all he'll do. He will take that paper which he had been keeping for 20 years and STUFF IT DOWN YOUR THROAT. And then he would take the same crayon and draw all over your face. The tape would be stuck to your hair, and when you wake up in the morning he'd be gone, with a note hung on his bedroom wall, "DA DADDY IS A JERK". Yeah see how you'd like that huh.
Just because he's blond doesn't mean you can pick on him! Racist bastard. Or maybe because he was wearing a blue shirt was the reason you LIED to him and caused him eternal sorrow and pain. Well guess what, 400million other people are too. Why don't you start taping "my daddy is awesome" all over their so -called filthy BLUE shirts?! You sir, are sick beyond belief. You are racist against shirts. How is that even possible?! So heed my warning, Jew, and start locking your doors when you sleep and carry a handgun whenever it's dark. Cause the next joker's just been born, oh yes he has, and he's out to get YOU.
Fuckin great! You've done nothing wrong here, so ignore the rest of these dickwads. I'm a father of three, and I REFUSE to let them walk over me. The people making these negative comments are the ones that will have kids spitting on them as the leave to join their middle school friends in a huge meth-head ass orgy. Stand your ground, dad!!! My kids look up to me, respect me, have fun with me, and at the same time fear me (here we go anons. Bitch because I said my kids are afraid of me). Thing is, they know my feelings toward them, but they obey my rules because they know there will be consequences. So apparently these anons do not have children, are a bunch of pussies, or have already been beaten up by their own children for starting to write something positive toward you.
You people need to open your eyes to the real problems....not the kids, but THE PARENTS.
To the post above me: Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, and Hate leads to THE DARK SIDE. What have you done to your kids you insufferable anon?! You have doomed them to the dark side. When they grow up, they will all have permanent sore throats and wear black masks wherever they go! That's right, THE PARENTS are the wrong ones. And sure as hell you are.
It's funny, but I would of had junior write "Nude Bitches Inside -- $2"
I love all of you.
I really do.
omg your such a dick head for what you did to your child!
Well not really, i actually laughed.
But I don't want to upset the status quo.
hahaha aw3som3 most likely he was mad cos daddy wouldnt let him have a cookie or something trivial we are talking about a five yr old. I doubt he was mad at daddy cos of his world views or the economy.. hahha good on ya mate
Santa Claus.
The Easter Bunny.
A sign that says "Daddy is Awesome."
I don't know why people are complaining about parental deception. Parents lie to their kids regularly, it's part of being a parent. This is just cute, funny, and totally innocent. I think I'd be more upset about the Santa Claus lie, personally.
It all starts from one parent. He lies to his child. The child lies to HIS child, and so on. You see, you have just started a never ending spiral of DOOM, DESPAIR and DISILLUSIONS. Imagine how many children's innocent minds you have warped. Trust you have shattered. Anger you have sparked. Death, you have brought upon yourself. And of course, may the Force be with all of you.
It all starts from one parent. He lies to his child. The child lies to HIS child, and so on. You see, you have just started a never ending spiral of DOOM, DESPAIR and DISILLUSIONS. Imagine how many children's innocent minds you have warped. Trust you have shattered. Anger you have sparked. Death, you have brought upon yourself. And of course, may the Force be with all of you.
i wonder how screwed up the kids are from the people who are all "oh you're so horrible!" my parents played pranks on me, i played pranks on them (to which they very kindly pretended to not know what was going on) and that was that. I grew up with a sense of humor. I'm pretty sure than the author's child will as well.
I am replying to this Anon:
"My child is 6 and can spell Antidisestablishmentarianism. (It took a $20 bribe to get him to learn it, but still)..."
So because YOU took advantage of YOUR kid by associating bribery with learning and bribing him to learn something (Wow, way to set him up for failure... I guarantee his future teachers won't pay him to learn how to do his spelling words) the BLOGGER here is the asshole?
You fail at parenting, you fail at life and way to make your kid look like the jackass you are. Please, go have your genitals removed promptly.
how about this one then:
lol, i cant wait to be a parent :)
ROFLMAO!!! Don't forget to tell him that 'plaid' is in fact a color and werewolves are real.
"...your kid's innocence and trust isn't for your amusement."
...oh, let's not be silly now. Of course it is. :)
...methinks someone people need to learn to recognise a troll when they see one...
wow thats sad..you gotta trick your son into loving you..thats horrible
I'm stumbling this just for the comments.
please all u fags suck it the fuck up ur such pussies, seriously its a prank on his kid and who gives a shit if ur kid can spell some random ass long word go suck a fat one the give the guy a break. Maybe ur parents were extremly nice top u and u turned out to have geeky ass kids and ur a pussy yourself god i hope u could jump infront of a bus becuase ur such a pussy FAG
P.S. great pictures BTW whoever the author is Classic, unlike everyone else i think its funny beucase my dad did the same stuff to me and its really funny. it didnt scar me BTW
I can't believe you people are arguing over this. It's hilarious, seriously, mainly because it's harmless but also slightly cruel
This is the internet people. We aren't supposed to care about anyone else here
I am laughing so hard at the douche bags who are getting all worked up over this.
haha that is awesome.
This is something I would do to my kids when I have them.
I see everyone getting upset over something stupid like this. Im sorry, but who are you to tell others how to raise their kids. They are not doing them harm, so leave it alone.
In my opinion, a child should be raised in a home where his parents are their to mentor him. To foster many of the important qualities he will grow to have. One of the most important is humor. A parent does not need to be seen as infallible, strict, perfect, or boring. He should be able to have a laugh with his kids.
By the way, Im 18. =]
Hah this is something my dad would have done, and he was amazing. Keep up the good work.
It's not about whether or the kid can spell - it's pretty fuckin messed up that at 5 the kid cant read. Seriously - he doesn't know the dif between awesome and keep out? either he's retarded, or this whole thing is made up - which means he wrote a sign about his awesome dad, and you made up this douchebag story....which is it? is he the retard or are you?
Teaching your kids to learn for money is bad parenting. I was not too smart when I was very young... but now, as a 14 year old I am a mathematician who is learning programming... Giving your kids 20 dollars for learning doesn't teach your kid anything about money... LEARN PARENTING YOURSELF. My dad did worse stuff than this and I laugh about it now.
lol, i'm another 14 year old and and you guys are really having a sense of humour failure, it's just harmless, the kid won't be scarred for life he'll just have a load of great memories of all the fun he had with his dad, what's wrong with the occasional prank i'm sure his kid will get him back one day, hehe
ROFLMAO! Have a sense of HUMOR people!
man this kid is lucky. if my kid told me to stay out I'd toss him in the wood chipper out back
I have one word for those who diss this guy: PUTOS
It's funny, come on... What's wrong with this? Nothing much, and when you look back at it in time, you will just laugh with your son, albeit he will call you a fucker (probably).
PS: You're so awesome
LMFAO your funny. and the people who are talkin shit are retarded.
Everybody that left a negative comment is a fuckin toolbag
its a joke, its funny. Good one!
Haha, love it :-D We do similar with my 2 year old nephew when we're at a restaurant out for dinner and he asks for ice cream or something. Pick up a menu and point to a line and say "Well this here says that only good boys that eat all their dinner can have ice cream" Works a charm. You've got a lucky little boy there :-D
To the prat who thinks this is photoshopped...who is going to bother spending time editing a photo when they could just take write the sign themselves and ask a random kid to stick it up. Twat. Step away from the computer and try doing something that involves no technology for an hour.
they are called trolls
dont listen to them
I can't believe how many people are being so stupid over this! I mess with my kids all the time for fun, it's "payback" for all of the grief they put us through. I showed my 14 year old son this and he said "awesome, I could see you doing that dad, and I think it's funny!"
OMG u just ruined your childs life!!!1!1
hes destined to grow up a sociopatthic crack-smoking sideshow clown and its all because you betrayed him!!
be more nice to him, lest he eat you in your sleep
Wow! You sir have just pulled a harmless and classic prank on your child that us Fathers are going to have to try and imitate now. For we must mentally abuse our child with a sense of humor.
As a Father myself I cannot do anything but offer a virtual High Five and condem you for such and awesome prank.
This isn't abuse, people. It's just a guy having fun. I'd think it was funny if I saw this post and was this kid. It's not like he told the kid if he threw himself off a cliff he'd find candy or something.
Get over yourselves and stop taking everything so seriously.
all you people freaking out over this are liberals aren't you?
I agree with the guy earlier that pointed out your kid is pretty stupid for not being able to read even a few words at 5
When I was young, my mother and aunt convinced me that a magnet could erase your brain. In order to help sell the point, my mom took a magnet and held it my aunt's forehead. My aunt then just sat there and said "uhhhhh" in response to anything she was asked.
My point is, a sense of humor is something important to teach your kids.
This was hilarious, and I am sure your sun will think the same thing when he is older.
this is funny - all of the negative comments are not. get a life, people.
I'm a social worker and can verify that this is just funny and NOT CHILD ABUSE. Sounds like a normal family to me. If he was doing something wrong, why would he put it out for the whole world to see? There are more appropriate matters for the type of scorn expressed here, such as children who are actually abused or neglected - people shouldn't throw those terms around so carelessly.
This is funny!! You have a great sense of humour :) There is no way this will effect your son negatively! These people are just being nasty because they can. Unfortunately this is the nature of the internet.
How cute and funny. These other idiots need to borrow a quarter and go buy a sense of humor. Pay no attention to them.
Ya'll are ridiculous! This guy is an awesome parent. Teaching a kid humor is supposed to be a good thing.
Me and my dad love to have fun a little at each others' expense. But like I said, it's fun. None of it's hurtful. I love it and this is great. Keep up the good work, dad!
win, my good sir. win.
he wanted the sign BECAUSE HE'S FIVE. chill the fuck out you morons.
I think it's pretty obvious which commenters do and don't have kids (and a sense of humor). Both me and my 12 year old daughter thought this was hilarious, and she immediately pointed out that it was something I would have done when she was younger.
Good show
this is amazing. some people just have no sense of humor
Excellent story. I applaud what you did.
Being a parent is not easy. My step-daughter told me that she did not love me (not that she ever did but that is another story).
I told her that I was not on this earth to win a popularity contest with her but to be a parent.
Sounds like STEWIE from the Family Guy posted the first "OMG YOU DECEIVING WRETCH" comment... really, guy, get a life...but, this is what ANONYMOUS does to people, it gives them the cajones to post the crazy things that pop into your head that USUALLY are kept to yourself. For future reference: KEEP IT TO YOURSELF NEXT TIME, STEWIE, OR I'LL GET THE FATMAN AFTER YOU.
I don't get the uproar.
My dad used to do stupid shit that would piss me off to no end (like sing "cinderellie, cinderellie she has sucha funny belly!" instead of the actual Cinderella lyrics) but I'm not traumatized! In fact, we laugh about it. :)
Frankly, I think this post is hilarious! :D
Well done sir. Should I ever have kids someday I'll take a cue from you!
That backwards 'S' may seem cute, but you should probably get your son checked for dyslexia.
Funny how people seem to jump at the chance of judging you! lol. :) I don't think there's anything wrong with what you did, I just find it funny. I feel you man, I am consistently being judged by others in terms of my parenting skills. :)
This is hilarious. The kid will laugh at it when he's old enough.
My older brother had me convinced my name was Regis for a whole month. It's part of being a gullible child!
hahahaha funny post, i like it...
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