This Is My Suitcase’s “The Keys To Cat Heaven”

Once again I find myself reviewing music when I have no cognitive capacitance to do such things. Here I go:

I downloaded This Is My Suitcase’s “The Keys To Cat Heaven” and it pretty much rocks. I love this stuff. It is an extremely light album with no heavy bullshit. Interesting lyrics. Musically complex with simplistic instruments.

I’m sure they will kick my ass when I suggest that their music stylings are like bit like an angsty Tiny Tim meets a pre-pubescent Margot and the Nuclear So and So’s with a cat on a Möbius strip leash. Of course, I’ve seen the lead singer at a few shows and he isn’t going to kick anyone’s ass though the guitarist is a big dude and might pummel the likes of me for kicks.

All I know is that when I listen to the album it makes me happy. Dead fish and all.

Check ‘um out at

Buy an album here



Vampire Test T-shirt

Are you a vampire? Curious? This helpful t-shirt can determine whether you are a vampire or not!

Click on the photo to buy it from!

Ignore this post

Sorry. I am trying one last time to get Technorati to work. VVQXBJGF6WB4

Google Wave for an Ask HolyJuan

Are you interested in a Google Wave invite?

Send me a good "Ask HolyJuan" questions and I will send one off to you.

I've got five invites, so the first five questions I accept will get the invites.

Thanks for playing.

Local Church to Hand out Hams

COLUMBUS OH (HJ) – For a few of central Ohio’s needy, the holidays will be a little bit less hungry. Pastor Art Phelps of the “Our Peoples of God’s Church” will be handing out over 200 hams to those who are in need. Food hand outs started back in 2005 when Pastor Phelps took over for the ailing Pastor Riffic. Pastor Phelps recalled, “We had about 50 people come to the church when we were handing out turkeys. Since then, the demand has grown and we are pleased to serve our Christian community.”

The church does not force people to be part of their congregation to receive the free ham. Pastor Phelps explains, “While we do not discriminate against non-church goers, we did switch from giving away turkeys to giving away hams in 2008 so that we would not get any hungry Muslims or Jews. We want to help as many Christians as possible, so the ham seems to keep the others away.” When asked if needy atheists would be turned away, Pastor Phelps laughed, “We’ll feed the Godless, too. Maybe when they see how generous and kind we are, they will change their ways.”

Ham handouts will continue through the end of the year.


Stitches or no?

Large Hadron Collider Warning Sign Translation

In there was a beautiful photo spread of the Large Hadron Collider.

One of the photos looked like this:

(Maximilien Brice; Claudia Marcelloni, © CERN)

There is a curious sign at the top of the tunnel that looks like this:

In the article they say, "The sign at top warns of the presence of helium, argon and/or nitrogen in nearby pipes - gases that (if they leaked out) could displace oxygen and cause unconsciousness."

But I think it means the following:

Twitter takes care of that pesky Jesus question

I was trying to be funny when I wrote the following on Twitter concerning @Allah and @Jesus.

I then thought that maybe I should check to see if @Jesus even exists. When you click on his name, this is what you get:

I guess that answers that!