A Page from Sarah Palin's Rider

Sarah Palin's top secret rider was recently found in a trash can outside of California State University Stanislaus. A rider is part of a contract that specifies all the demands of a client. Here is a page from that rider:



After being gone for a week, I found this little diagram in our work area:

I could be wrong, but what I think this chart is explaining is that the more that I am around, the more productivity increases... right?

Switcheroo Name

Here is how you play the game: switch the first letters of your first and last name (for me it would be Joly Haun.) The new name will fall into one of the five categories:

1. No Change
Sadly, the first letters of your first and last name are the same. No fun. Sorry Kris Kristofferson.

2. Foreign Exchange Student
Remember that kid in high school that smelled like cheese and was always staring at you? Don't be sad, there will always be the other foreign exchange student for you to take to the prom. This means you Lia Eastep and Josh Kessler.

3. Porn Star
While a very small percentage of the population falls into this category, you have made it big. Good job, Rick Dodsworth!

4. Nemesis of Conan the Barbarian
Sometimes your Switcheroo Name just sounds evil. An evil person that would want to kill Cimmerians with guttural sounds that could only be pronounced by Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. I’m looking at you Greg Allender and Stephanie Kuwasaki.

5. Norse God
Your regular name is boring, but your Switcheroo Name is GODLIKE! Usually you throw a couple of vowels in the first name and you will be messing in the matters of men and lying around eating manna. This means you John Acton.

Greg and the Sitting Missile

Found this while cleaning up some folders. Still funny today.

Sad Easter Bunny is Sad

Don't be sad Easter Bunny! Jesus is going to come back real soon! You'll see!

Photo courtesy of Meshell.

Yay! Pollen!

We went to Georgia to visit our relatives this past week. Great time! Our van got a heavy coating of Georgia's famous tree sperm. Our van is usually blue, but in this photo it has a beautiful yellow-green iridescence.

This might look like snow, but it a photo of all the dust falling from the trees.

It seems other guests to the state had a similar mindset as us.

E.T. in a lava lamp

We fired up Greg's lava lamp before bed and this emerged. It looks a lot alike an E.T. preserved in a jar:
With flash.

Without flash.

What is the rabbit measuring?

This scan is from Rosemary Wells' "Timothy Goes to School."

My son asked me, "What is the rabbit measuring?" I said, "Um, the table leg." He said, "The ruler is not straight." I just kept reading.

Reverse Psychology

Please DO NOT comment on this post about reverse psychology.

Thank you.

Just prop her up for the photo, then we can bury her

We order packing supplies from Uline. They are a good company and if you order enough, they give you free crap that you would never buy on your own, but since it's free it's AWESOME. I was looking through the most recent catalog when I came across this photo and thought to myself, "That woman is dead and they are propping her up for the photo." You be the judge:

I assume that she died a hour or so before the photo and the company knew that they needed more than one woman in the photo, so they kept her around long enough to get a few shots.

Good news is, Uline carries coffin sized crates!