Mister! Mister!!

For three years I traveled with science museum exhibit, performing demonstrations and assisting guests with the sports related interactive exhibits. A school group excitedly poured into the exhibit one morning and I was swamped with kids wanting to spin like a skater on the angular momentum machine. This requires a bit of attention to the child spinning and I was only able to help one person at a time.

One boy was very excited and from behind me yelled, “Mister! Mister! Look at this!”

I turned my head and replied, “Just a second while I finish with this guest!”

He continued, “Mister! Mister! Come here and look at this!”

I ever so tactfully replied over my shoulder, “Just a second please.”

He ramped up a decibel or two, “Misterrrrrrrrr! Look! Look!”

I stopped the spinning guest and turned to confront the rambunctious child when a teacher walked up to the boy and said, “What do you want to show me?” Her nametag read, “Miss Derr.”

Ly would shit a brick

Back in 1998, I lugged about a ton of river rock, two hundred pounds at a time, up to the Life exhibit. They were a scenic component that I laid out one stone at a time in the very serene, oval, solid wood floor entrance to the Life exhibit. I remember arguing with Ly that we should epoxy the rocks in place. She didn't think it was necessary. I was more concerned about people kicking or throwing them.

Over time, kicking has been an issue. Throwing has not.

Neither one of us ever saw this coming:

I'm glad we didn't glue the rocks down.

Black Team

We are having a weight loss competition at work. I put out this sign over a tray of fudge that someone had left outside the boardroom.

I'm on the Black Team.

16 Fun Facts You Never Learned in School

Did you know? Pencil lead contains no lead, but lead contains about 12% graphite.

Did you know? 98% of the earth's sand all came from the same mass of sandstone?

Did you know? The moment between when the second hand on a clock ticks from one second to the next is called a trite.

Did you know? The tradition of throwing rice at a wedding was originally an Amish wedding tradition.

Did you know? “x” is the least used letter on the keyboard while “s” is the most. (w is now in second with the advent of the www.)

Did you know? Most lotions contain mayonnaise.

Did you know? Almonds soaked in tuna and then ingested will diminish a man’s sperm count fifteen fold. Those same almonds ingested by a woman will have no effect besides bad breath.

Did you know? 50% of American students are below average while 50% of all Japanese students are above average.

Did you know? The Great Wall of China is hollow and that locals in remote areas use the empty cavities to house sheep and goats.

Did you know? The average house stairway contain 11 steps.

Did you know? Dental floss was originally made of horse hair soaked in bitters.

Did you know? The inventor of Doritos named them after his wife Dorinda, whom he met when she was his parole officer.

Did you know? It takes the largest wheel on a big wheel the same time to spin a full circle as the small wheel.

Did you know? French law requires that the base of a wine glass be the exact same size as the top opening of the glass.

Did you know? 85% of bald people die of a depression related illness.

Did you know? It takes almost 4 hours for blood from your feet to reach your heart. This is why hypothermia strike the toes first.

Actual CNN headline: Roger Clemens Questioned by Lawmakers On Steroids

If you need proof, here are photos of a couple of roid raging lawmakers:

A bulked up Henry Waxman (D-Calif) in an anabolic fit of drug induced anger.

Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) in a complete and utter roid rage.

Vote for #4 please!

My friend Stephanie has entered a design contest. Can you vote for her?

Go to http://www.wwhotv.com/Global/category.asp?C=125471&nav=menu581_4 and use the ballot at the bottom of the page to vote for #4 please.



Has God told Huckabee that McCain won’t make it to the Republican National Convention?

Huckabee knows something that mathematicians and most everyone else does not. In a surprising announcement this morning on MSNBC, Mike Huckabee stated that even though it is mathematically improbable for him to win the Republican nomination, he is going to continue on campaigning because “something could happen to John McCain” between now and the Republican National Convention. What is that something? McCain could drop the F bomb or call Obama a pineapple chucker. But what we all know he means is that McCain could have a stroke or drop dead any minute.

And how would Huckabee get this information? God told him.

In Huckabee’s twice daily (and three times on the Sabbath) conversations with God, he probably asks God if he should continue his campaigning. What do you think God is saying to Huck? A smart God would tell Huckabee to drop out so that he doesn’t make McCain look un-Conservative. He’d probably mention that miracles are for wine, loaves and fishes and not for elections. But that’s not what Huckabee is hearing. Huckabee hears, “Go the distance,” and inevitably, “If you build it, McCain will have a stroke.”

Now, my belief is that McCain has a better chance of saying “fuck” than dropping dead. He’s a tough s.o.b. no matter what Chuck Norris says. But… if you know God is on your side, anything is possible.

So if in some offhand chance, McCain does bite it before the Republican National Convention and Huckabee wins the nomination… what next? I assume that if God will take the time to off McCain, he would also want Huck to win the general election as well. Now that would take a miracle… unless Obama has a stroke too. Then Hillary would come down with prostate cancer and so on and so on until there’s no one left to run against him.

And if all that happens, you can bet for sure that I’m going to repent, vote for Huckabee and convert to whatever religion he tells me to in the 28th Amendment. Hallelujah Huckabee!!

In Paris... aim for the sign

We saw this warning sign in Paris along the river.

In the United States, we would build a four foot high barrier with a metal fence on top of it all along the length of the river. In Paris, they put up a sign and hope you have common sense. If you do find yourself heading for the dropoff... aim for the sign.