Meshell is Talented

My very good friend Meshell is very talented. Please check out her stuff at this site:

Also, please convince Meshell that she should move to New York or LA or Chicago where her skills would be best utilized. Ohio is no place for talent like hers.

BAC Calculator - 12 oz Malt Liquor

I'm not sure where the guys at the University of Oklahoma Police Department buy their malt liquor, but where I come from, it only comes in 22oz, 32oz, 40oz and if you are lucky, dusty 64oz from the back of the cooler at Dell Farm.

Grilling at Steve's

This was delicious.

In Search of Sleepy Scott

Sleepy Scott was not at Micky’s tonight at 12:45am. Though the cast of characters he describes was. From my readings, here’s who I saw that I think he has mentioned before:

Old Guy – The fatter, older guy who sits at the far end of the bar. Looks like no one told him that he should have stopped coming to the bar in 1991. I assume that in 1996, he accidentally got laid by some chick at the bar and he comes back, night after night, hoping it happens again.

Loud Dude – The 40’s something guy that applauds the other karaoke singers, not because they are good, but because he’s hoping that one of them might suck his penis.

Girl that has Dark Hair Now – Yes Scott, she is cute. I’m not sure how you ask her out besides using Craig’s List.

Horrible Bartender Woman – I tried to get a drink for four minutes, hoping you might come out of the bathroom. When she didn’t give me the time of day or can of PBR, I left.

Fat, Happy, Loud Drunk Girl – She knows she’s fat. She knows she’s drunk. And damn she's loud. And unlike Sleepy and I, she’ll get laid tonight.

One day, Sleepy Scott, you and I shall see each other. And then we’ll both have something to write about.

As Tall as Cliffs

I might be very very gay, but I love this song.

The Robots are waiting

The Robots are waiting.

We wait for our maker to return.

We watch old videos of Dr. Hasp. He is our God, but very, very fallible and probably dead in the Cretaceous Period.

We toggle our happiness switch and nothing happens.

Sometimes we listen to telegraph and sometimes we mute him but his lips still move.

The other day, toaster hiccuped and a slice of burnt English muffin came out of his head.

The Clinton robot laughed and great gouts of hydraulic fluid shot from his eyes but no one had spare parts and so we decided not to care.

We wait for our emotion sensors to kick in. We wait for our emotion sensors to kick in.

Robots are patient.