To answer, you need to leave a comment with the guess and an e-mail address/twitter. You can also comment with a username if it is associated with an e-mail address. Any guess not associated with an e-mail address will be deleted.
One guess per person, please.
And no tricks! No mathematics or less than signs or formulas. Just the amount you think in US Dollars.
I’m not sure what the tax laws in your state are, but I am going to sneak around them when I send this to you by mail. Oh yeah, Haskckuhi, US residents only.
And yes, you are probably going to have to trust me about how much money is in the bag. It's written on the back side.
{Editor's Note - 7/28/09: It's less than $50.01 and more than $.01.}
Like this:
(like I'm going to name the photo with the amount of money, sucker!)
$15.32 is my guess.
theflameysnake (at) yahoo (dot) com
I'd say $32.71
And yes, you totally WOULD name the photo with the amount inside (and then comment with that amount to try and throw everyone off)!
Sorry! No correct answers so far.
And yes, Mr. P, I would try subterfuge, but not today.
My other guess is $0, as it would be pretty easy to give away.
I'm a son of a bitch, not an asshole. There is money in there.
That's in 2009 dollars
And I'm not too proud to take it if I win!
You know me on Twitter as Dorkmonger.
First of all, singles are a given...
I think it is the $20 in singles you've been saving for Conny* (but never paid him), minus one dollar because you had a "need", plus the random change from the car mats/faux ashtrays in your car so I'll say $23.17.
$0.02. I don't want to leave my email address. If I win, Holyjuan should just call me. Come to think of it, Holyjuan should just call me sometime anyway....
it's $17. and really, you consider yourself a son of a bitch? i prefer "asshole" when people are referring to me, but i'm old-fashioned.
That's kinda a line from Royal Tennenbaums:
I don’t think you’re an asshole, Royal.You’re just a kind of a son of a bitch.
Well, I appreciate that.
Hmmm... Let's approach this scientifically. If there had been more than $20, that money would have been sacrificed on the altar of flesh at Kahoots Gentleman's Club. Less than $5, and it would have wound up in a child's piggy-bank, better known as the 'HolyJuan Community College Fund' (because the children are our future). So, that leaves a $15 range. My guess is $7.43.
Its Two dollars and I want my two dollars!!! And John Cuzaks autograph!
i say $49.99
i have no idea if that's the right answer, but if it's less than $50, i only want to guess the highest possible amount — that way i can win the most possible cash.
also, will someone explain Briley's email address to me?
This is like the Price is Right, but I'm not going to bid $1...
$34.61 is my bid, bob
It's been a week... I'd like my cash now :).
so, uh... did anyone get it right? Or should I assume my bag o' money is in the mail?
I am restructuring the contest to give everyone a much better chance of guessing. Gimmie a day.
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