Congratulations Karen and Chris!!

Congratulations go out to Karen and Chris on the birth of their third child, Colin Michael. Anymore, when someone begins to relate a birth story, I quickly pull out several small pieces of scotch tape and adhere my eyeballs in the down position to keep them from rolling back in my head. Everyone’s got a birth story that can be summed up in four sentences, but most drag it out to Aeneid proportions.

Fortunately, Chris is a man a very few words and Karen is the model of efficiency. Here is their birth story in his words:
• Karen's water breaks at 2am in the morning
• Arrive at birth center at 3am
• 1 hour and 4 heavy pushes later, Colin Michael is born at 4:04am
• Home for breakfast and introductions to his brothers at 7:30am

That’s right folks… from water breaking back to home: Five and one half hours. I guess the hospital makes you wait for a minimum of two hours and they ensure that the baby is feeding.

But that’s not what this story is about. This story is about this photo:

You tell me, who looks worse for the wear? I guess Chris was a bit inconvenienced being woken up so early in the morning so I can understand why he looks like shit. Karen, though she would never believe me, looks stunning.


I am just now getting over the flu. I’ve never had the flu and I picked a really poor time to have a first go at it. It started around noon on Wednesday. I had the full fever and chills by midnight. I was slightly delirious up though Saturday afternoon when I thought I was getting better, but I was only fooling myself. Saturday night I had the fever again and that ran through Sunday. I went to work today because you cannot get rid of the flu until you give it to someone else. It’s now Monday evening, St. Patrick’s Day, and I am playing the part of the good boy and staying at home to cap this off. It was poor timing because I missed Meshell’s birthday at Skully’s on Thursday, basketball tournaments on Friday, the Saturday night birthday celebration and St. Patrick’s Day all in one fell swoop. Crap.

Misunderstood Bible Verses: #1

Greg and Dad: T-Rex is Angry


The next False Idol is...

All right people! Calm down! I know it's Easter, but don't get your baskets all interwoven... I was just commenting on two things:
1. If Jesus were persecuted today, don't you think we would do it in an American Idol/reality show type format?
2. I thought the Simon thing was clever... unless you don't know the fifth station of the cross. Then it's probably not funny at all.

Greg and Dad: Trip to Pluto

Someone at the NEA has their head on straight

Here is part of an article on Earthquakes from the National Environmental Agency.

I was going to say, "Stupid, like living in an earthquake zone," but that would be ignorant.

Thanks to Rach at

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"Ask HolyJuan" over the phone! – 614-429-4365

Google has a new phone messaging service in beta called that I signed up for and I’m hoping you can help me test it out. Call me, HolyJuan, at 614-429-4365 and leave an Ask HolyJuan question. It’s easy to remember because the number also spells 614-GAY-IDOL.

It seems like a pretty cool service and it’s free now. I’m sure once they get people hooked that there will be a fee involved.

When I originally set it up, I gave my cell phone number to Grand Central for the confirmation call-back message that I was a real person. When I had my friend Chris call to test it out, my cell phone rang. The default setting on Grand Central is for the internet number call to go to the default contact number as an actual call. I switched that so that all calls go to my voice mail. I can retrieve all my calls on line via MP3 so let it be known that your call is being recorded to improve customer satisfaction.

So, if you are familiar with my Ask HolyJuan segment, feel free call and leave a question or a message. Or just call and say something dirty.
